My partner is unfaithful Mi pareja es infiel

If you suspect that your partner is unfaithful, it's important to observe if there are a series of behaviors and signs that will deny or confirm the existence of an infidelity:

  1. Visible signs: smell of perfume that you don't recognize, lipstick marks, other people's personal items on clothing, etc.
  2. Inconsistent stories: You don't know what to answer or the explanations aren't convincing.
  3. Change of habits: behaves strangely and adopts habits that he didn't have before.
  4. Gets angry or defensive for no reason: He doesn't act calm and seems to have something to hide when interacting with you.
  5. Too many hours of work: Use work as an excuse to justify absences or failure to meet commitments.
  6. Pay close attention to her physique: she dresses better, has joined the gym, or has suddenly become more flirtatious.
  7. She prefers to go to the sites alone: avoid your presence many times.

You are at that moment when you have discovered that your partner is unfaithful and you feel fragile, guilty, insecure and confused . Don't worry because it is normal: you are not the first nor will you be the last person to be flooded with these feelings after an infidelity. But do you know what the good news is? That everything comes out and has a solution; a psychologist who specializes in couple therapy can help you transform this discomfort into the beginning of a personal transformation project towards a better life for you .

In order to overcome an infidelity, it's important to have the help of a qualified professional, a specialist in couple therapy. The figure of the psychologist will help you better manage negative feelings (anger, guilt, insecurity, etc.) that can arise when you find out that your partner has been unfaithful. Couple therapy allows you to visualize aspects of your relationship that you would not see or see with difficulty on your own, it provides you with new points of view, facilitates mutual understanding and that you can open new ways of reconciliation so that the couple relationship can reborn after such a destabilizing factor as infidelity.
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The help of a qualified psychologist can bring us great benefits if we want to overcome our partner's infidelity.
  1. Rebuild the affection, commitment and intimacy of our relationship.
  2. Improve communication between members of the couple.
  3. Increase satisfaction with sexual and emotional life.
  4. Help manage negative feelings that disturb us and make it difficult to understand each other.
  5. Overcoming other present and future relationship crises that have roots in common with the infidelity conflict.
  6. Learn psychological techniques that benefit the couple, such as active listening or assertive communication .
  7. Learn new coexistence guidelines and keys to have a successful relationship.
  8. Learn to resolve conflicts within and outside the couple.
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Your partner has made the mistake of his life: he has been unfaithful. However, you have been able to forgive and have decided to continue the relationship. You have made the concept of resilience yours (the ability of a person to recover and adapt to adverse or traumatic circumstances) and that honors you.

However, you should not lose sight of the fact that this situation may generate you mixed feelings; you may develop a dissonance between what you really feel and what you think you should feel. It's not easy to forgive, and less something like a partner infidelity. That is why it's advisable to have the help of professional psychologists, so that they can support you and provide you with the necessary psychological tools to deal with the consequences of infidelity with calm and determination.

Continuing with a relationship after an infidelity is not easy and many times we need someone to help us to overcome it and rebuild the bonds of the couple. Having the help of a specialist in couple therapy can be a great incentive to resume the relationship with more strength and with the necessary tools to deal with conflicts and negative feelings (such as frustration, insecurity or lack of confidence) that can come to the person who has suffered infidelity.

Therefore, couple therapy can be a great option to regain confidence in yourself and assume that the new stage of your relationship will be based on other values that both you and your partner must assume if you want the relationship to have a successful future.
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Continuing with your relationship after an infidelity with the help of a psychologist has a series of benefits that are worth taking into account.
  1. The psychologist will guide you throughout the process of rebuilding the relationship, emphasizing that it's necessary to rebuild the relationship on a more solid basis, in which respect and mutual trust should be the pillars of the new stage.
  2. With the help of therapy, the two of you will be able to express your emotions openly and in a safe and non-judgmental environment.
  3. The psychological help will give you the opportunity to bring your real commitment to the relationship to the table, addressing the fears and reluctance of each one of you.
  4. The psychologist will help you plan your future with the guarantee of success if you follow the criteria of a professional specialist in couples therapy.
  5. Ultimately, your psychologist is going to be your ally and that push you need so that the relationship doesn't become stagnant and negative feelings aren't a brake to move forward and draw a future in company.
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Your partner has made a serious mistake, which is none other than cheating on you. For you, infidelity is an unforgivable act and that is why you have decided to break the relationship. A difficult decision, but understandable. Each of us has our limits and our value system, and being unfaithful is something that is not within what is acceptable or acceptable for you.

However, it's important to know that a breakup due to infidelity is a hard and painful process, something that no couple wants to happen. For this reason, many people can't cope with the separation process alone and need the help of a qualified professional who can guide and support them. If this is your case, don't hesitate and put yourself in the hands of a good psychologist as soon as possible to minimize the negative consequences of a break in these conditions.

In order to overcome a breakup due to infidelity, it's important to have the help of a psychologist specialized in couple therapy, who will provide you with support and tools to minimize the negative effects and consequences of the breakup of the couple. When an infidelity occurs and it has been decided to end the relationship, the person may show negative feelings of anger, frustration, rage or deep sadness. All these emotions can be overwhelming, so it's essential to rely on the psychologist and follow all the steps that he recommends to you to overcome the situation successfully.

Psychological therapy will be very useful for you to recover self-confidence and trust in other persons, and so that you can rebuild your life as soon as possible, meet new people and recover from the painful breakup you suffered with your last partner.
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The benefits of facing a couple breakup due to infidelity with the help of a psychologist specialized in couple therapy are multiple:

  1. Regain confidence in ourselves and in others.
  2. Know how to handle conflicts within and outside the couple.
  3. Anticipate and avoid future crisis in a relationship with effective psychological tools.
  4. Manage negative emotions and feelings that prevent us from moving forward in our life and in relationships.
  5. Learn to end a relationship without involving a traumatic or especially painful event.
  6. Manage our role, set limits and clarify the essential values in the couple.
  7. Communicate assertively and effectively to our partner what we think and feel, know how to say yes and know how to say no.
  8. Learn to value ourselves for who we are and what we do, not for how others judge us.
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I am unfaithful Mi pareja es infiel

These are the main reasons that justify an infidelity:
  1. Our partner doesn't give us enough . This is one of the most used reasons when we want to justify an infidelity. She or he doesn't give us the time and dedication that we believe necessary and we look outside what we miss inside. Sometimes it's a matter of seeing if the expectations are realistic or not.
  2. We need to look for new experiences . Some people get bored and need to seek pleasurable sensations frequently. These are personalities that tend to risk and adventure, and therefore are more prone to infidelity.
  3. The spark of love has gone out . We believe that the relationship has deteriorated because there is no longer as much passion as before. But keep in mind that as relationships age, commitment and intimacy increase at the expense of sexual intensity.
  4. We want to take revenge on him or her . Some people feel hurt by their partner and believe that the only option to retaliate is to commit infidelity, rather than approaching the problem through active listening and assertive communication.
  5. We have some unresolved conflicts . Traumatic experiences in childhood (such as neglect or abuse) generate insecurity and low self-esteem. This makes us more prone to cheating.
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The first step to face an infidelity is to recognize it, be aware of the problem and follow a series of steps:

  1. Analyze the determinants of infidelity and your situation in the relationship. Why do you think you did it? Analyze your relationship and think about how you were before and how you are now.
  2. Balance the pros and cons of making a decision: tell or not tell your partner about infidelity .
  3. If you've decided to tell them, reserve an opportune time and a quiet place. Establish assertive communication and active listening .
  4. Ask for forgiveness and make your regret clear. Never blame him / her for what happened and take responsibility.
  5. Prepare for your partner's reaction . They may be more or less hostile, show their loss of confidence in you or even point out that they don't want to see you again. Respect their decisions and stay calm at all times, now it's your turn to weather the storm :)

It's important to face an infidelity with the help of a qualified professional. Through couple therapy, the psychologist will guide you in the search for the most appropriate solutions and will help you optimally cope with a situation that would be difficult to handle on your own. In short, it will provide you with the necessary tools so that, after an infidelity, you can continue with a full and satisfying life.
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The advantages of facing an infidelity with the help of a professional psychologist are multiple:

  1. It will teach us tools to handle conflicts that arise.
  2. It will help us modify unrealistic thoughts and expectations.
  3. It will guide us so that we can make important decisions from another point of view.
  4. It will help us better manage our emotions .
  5. It will help us clarify what we think about our role in the relationship and our partner.
  6. He is going to teach us psychological techniques that will be helpful in the most difficult moments.
  7. It will explain how to communicate to our partner what we think and feel through assertiveness and empathetic listening.
  8. Everything we learn in therapy will help us in future situations in which we have to face similar problems.
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You made a mistake, yes. But even if it's contradictory, an infidelity can also strengthen the relationship. There are many couples who have gone through a crisis and have strengthened their bonds, improving communication between them and generating greater mutual trust.

What you should be clear about is that you should never blame your partner for infidelity: you made a mistake and you must assume it. Forgive yourself and ask for forgiveness. Your partner will value regret if it's sincere and real. And of course, give each other time ... because each person reacts differently and confidence doesn't come back overnight.

If you have been unfaithful and you think that it's better to continue with your relationship, going to a psychologist and starting a couple therapy can help you reorganize your thoughts and feelings about your relationship . The psychologist will give you the tools you need to communicate to your partner the bad news, that you have been unfaithful. He will help you manage conflictive situations from empathy and assertiveness, both to you and your partner, especially in case reproaches and feelings of guilt and rejection appear.
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The Orientation Session allows you to learn how Psonríe works and have a professional help you identify and define your practice to make your online therapy sessions more effective, and it's for free

If you want to regain the confidence of your partner and strengthen the relationship deteriorated by your infidelity, you can face the situation with the help of a psychologist specialized in couple therapy, which will bring you great benefits :
  1. Help us communicate the news with assertiveness and empathy.
  2. Manage our emotions to avoid feelings of guilt, anger or revenge.
  3. Restructure our thoughts, irrational beliefs and false expectations.
  4. To prevent and anticipate conflict situations.
  5. Help us get our life back on track after the infidelity (whether we have continued or if we have broken the relationship)
  6. Educate ourselves in positive values and habits that improve the quality of our relationship.
  7. Improve sexual relationships through psychological and behavioral techniques and tools.
  8. Increase our tolerance for frustration and be aware of our limitations.
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The Orientation Session allows you to learn how Psonríe works and have a professional help you identify and define your practice to make your online therapy sessions more effective, and it's for free

You have committed an infidelity and you think that the relationship is broken and it's not worth continuing. It's a respectable decision, but you must consider the following:

  • Communicate in person.
  • It's important to be tactful when talking about it with your partner: without reproaches or accusations.
  • Choose the appropriate time and place.
  • Be honest with yourself and with him or her. Sincerity is always a positive value.
  • If you have already made the decision, be clear and don't back down. Otherwise, you will confuse your already former partner.
  • Prepare for what comes next and respect their reaction. The natural thing is that after a breakup feelings of anger or sadness appear.

If you have been unfaithful and you think it's time to end the relationship, psychological help will also be a guarantee to address the situation in the least traumatic way possible . The psychologist will guide you through the whole process of breaking up, which is never easy, promoting mutual understanding and making it easier for both of you to manage your emotions and rebuild your lives as soon as possible, without the separation being traumatic(especially if there are children involved).
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Start your free Orientation Session now!

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The Orientation Session allows you to learn how Psonríe works and have a professional help you identify and define your practice to make your online therapy sessions more effective, and it's for free

If you want to separate from your partner without reproach or negativity involved, you can face the situation with the help of a psychologist specialized in couple therapy, which will bring you great benefits :

  1. Help us communicate the news with assertiveness and empathy.
  2. Manage our emotions to avoid feelings of guilt, anger or revenge.
  3. Restructure our thoughts, irrational beliefs and false expectations.
  4. To prevent and anticipate conflict situations.
  5. Help us get our life back on track after the infidelity (whether we have continued or if we have broken the relationship)
  6. Educate ourselves in positive values and habits that improve the quality of our relationship.
  7. Improve sexual relationships through psychological and behavioral techniques and tools.
  8. Increase our tolerance for frustration and be aware of our limitations.
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Start your free Orientation Session now!

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The Orientation Session allows you to learn how Psonríe works and have a professional help you identify and define your practice to make your online therapy sessions more effective, and it's for free

What is Psonríe?

Psonríe is an online psychological counselling service that provides the professional support and necessary company for you to face your day-to-day problems in a healthier and more effective way.


Professional psychologists

We do a rigorous selection of licensed and experienced psychologists.


100% confidential

We offer you a safe and private context so that you can speak with complete confidence.


Online therapy

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Instant sessions

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Benefits of online couple therapy

  • Si Avoid travel, save time. Going to the psychologist has never been so comfortable
  • Si Choose the time, the place and chat with your psychologist wherever and whenever you want.
  • Si Complete privacy and anonymity, we don't store personal data.
